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The "Walk of The SPIRIT" story (up to this point)...
Welcome, and thanks for visiting our store! Let's "start the conversation"!
WOTS apparel and accessories (yes, there is more to come) is designed for the spirit-filled believer who is serious about his or her "narrow" walk. You have paid the price to get close enough to Him, yet you are hungry for more - and more - of God. If this is you, you have come to the right place.
Our apparel is meant to be - not only a witnessing tool - but as a way to "start a conversation" - especially among other believers who might have left their First Love. Think of it as a way to "rescue the perishing'...in Love.
Please feel free to browse all that we have to offer, and be sure to check back often as we add more merchandise on a frequent basis.
We understand that this niche is quite narrow, so we would appreciate it if you would spread the word among your friends. Word of mouth is a powerful tool! Post, Tweet, share our URL, and let other like-minded believers know about us.
From time to time, we will have sales along with other "to be determined" promotions.
Once again, thanks for stopping by, making your purchases...and watching us grow.